Get a closer look at how the new Steelcase Flex Collection keeps up with today’s fast-moving teams.
Welcome to the era of hyper-collaboration, where companies are looking to move faster and be more innovative, which requires the diverse thinking and creativity found only in teams. Today’s most successful teams are close-knit units, constantly exchanging ideas and information to tackle complex problems. They work in rapid cycles, many inspired by design thinking methods.
Design thinking is a physically and cognitively active methodology for creative problem solving. Teams are leading workshops, brainstorming, filling walls and whiteboards with content and coming together to share their ideas. They sit together so they can stay connected and work faster. They also need moments of retreat from the group to focus, absorb information and process their own ideas. People stand, sit, draw, gesture, move materials and objects. The work is dynamic and fast-paced.
“Teams need flexibility to change their day-to-day activities. Particularly, teams using design thinking practices need to be able to change how they work over time. So, we thought about this through a new lens,” says Bill Bennie, design director for Steelcase. By studying the diverse behaviors of different teams, designers created the Steelcase Flex Collection, an interconnected system of moveable desks, tables, whiteboards and other pieces that can create dynamic team neighborhoods that allow teams and individuals to adapt spaces on demand.
“This is such a different way of planning a space. Normally, you plan it, install it and it stays that way. But with Steelcase Flex, you’re planning for movement. So, we give people the pieces and show them how we’d set them up, but there’s no wrong way to configure it,” says Jamie Pell, applications designer, Steelcase.
A team meeting space, featuring the Steelcase Flex Board Cart, lightweight markerboards and Steelcase Flex Tables, making room for everyone’s laptops and morning coffee.
Create a small group meeting space with Steelcase Flex Tables, lightweight markerboards, and the Steelcase Flex Power Hanger to keep everyone’s devices powered.
Find moments for personal focus with Steelcase Flex Free-Standing Screens and standing-height tables.
Have questions? Want to see the Steelcase Flex Collection in person? Schedule a visit to our Boston WorkLife!