Behind the Scenes with Mary Sauvageau: Universal Design in Education

Discover how universal design transforms classrooms into inclusive, effective learning environments for all students. Imagine a classroom where every student…

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Work modes and how they influence office privacy

Office privacy – the key to balancing workplace collaboration and individual focus

Office privacy affects us in more ways than ever before. From being interrupted almost every 11 minutes by digital and…

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Accommodating generational differences in the workplace

Supporting and managing multiple generations is critical in the workplace today. It’s equally as important to consider the shift towards…

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Creative and personalized spaces are the future of the corporate workplace

Why a personalized workplace improves employee wellbeing

In their most recent 360 Magazine, Steelcase focuses on the “office renaissance” – a movement seeking to redefine the corporate…

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What is a resilient workplace?

What is a resilient workplace? You may be asking yourself – what is a resilient workplace? The world is changing…

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Everwall demountable wall system by Steelcase

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I know, you may think ‘a wall is a wall is a wall’. But when designing a new workspace, it’s…

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Casper Cloaking Technology: the digital privacy solution for the modern workplace

Cloaking technology—seems like something straight out of a Science Fiction film. But what if Science Fiction could be Science Fact?…

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5 Private space ideas with movable walls

Enclosed private spaces are a necessity for any workplace, and movable walls offer the perfect framework to support focused work…

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6 Collaborative Space Ideas with Demountable Walls

Enclosed collaborative spaces are a must-have for any workplace, and demountable walls are the perfect framework to support creative teamwork.…

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steelcase education active learning center grant 2017

2017 Active Learning Center grant recipients | University of Massachusetts Boston + Mount Desert Island High School

Active Learning is an approach to instruction where students engage with the material they’re studying–through writing, talking, listening and reflecting–in…

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choosing a movable wall system

10 Things to consider when choosing a movable wall system

Movable, or demountable wall systems have a number of advantages over traditional construction, including the flexibility to reconfigure your space,…

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Maine, much more than just a great “vacationland”

What do jobs, craft beer and Maine have in common? This past Thursday, all three convened at our WorkLife Center…

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Move services connecticut YNHH

Red Thread Move Services helps YNHH relocate in Connecticut!

Yale New Haven Health recently expanded their patient- and family-centered outpatient services to better serve residents of eastern Fairfield County.…

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Steelcase and Microsoft Creative Spaces featuring Microsoft Surface Hub

Integrating space + technology boosts creative performance

Creativity, noun [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness The dictionary defines creativity as having…

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Sensory design can improve workplace productivity

Can sensory design impact workplace productivity?

Designing for the senses might not be a new concept but in their latest 360 Magazine, Steelcase’s article on the…

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Office Move Experience Blog - Shawmut

Making the most of your employees’ move experience

Office moves and relocations can be a stressful process for your people. Once you’ve developed your office move plan and…

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Hygge in the workplace

4 Ways to embrace “hygge” in the workplace

Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah), the Danish concept taking the US by storm, is characterized as making ordinary, every day moments more…

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Pantone’s top 10 colors for Spring 2017

“A mixture of vitality, relaxation and the great outdoors” is how the Pantone Color Institute describes their color trends for…

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Hiring an Office Mover

Questions to ask before hiring an office mover

Business relocations are complex, time-consuming projects that can have a major impact on productivity—and your bottom line—if not managed correctly.…

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