Ergonomic working from home tips

Hacking your home office

Many of us around the world are entering new territory when it comes to working from home and creating an ergonomic home office. Rather than jump from space to space based on the activity at hand, most people are limited to what’s available in their home and trying to make do with what they already…

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a desk for working from home within a living room

Furniture solutions for working from home

In light of the recent COVID-19 circumstances forcing remote work, social distancing and virtual collaboration, many of us around the world are quickly adjusting to makeshift home offices. While curling up on the couch may work well for watching your favorite movie, there are other set ups to consider that support better posture and increase…

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two demountable wall types

5 Questions to help you find the right demountable wall

When exploring demountable wall solutions, the options can be overwhelming. There are so many factors that play into which wall will work best for your business, from how they look to how they are constructed to how much privacy they create. Take our short interactive quiz to find the right demountable wall for you, or read…

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Examples of modern office rugs

Add color and texture to your space with modern office rugs

As we look for ways to add comfort to residential-inspired workplaces, an element that can go overlooked is what goes beneath your feet. Rugs bring unique colors, textures and warmth to a space, as well as provide space definition for ancillary furniture settings. Area rugs add a touch of elegance and contemporary design to lounges,…

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Team collaboration using Steelcase Flex Collection

Unleashing team creativity with Steelcase Flex

Get a closer look at how the new Steelcase Flex Collection keeps up with today’s fast-moving teams. Welcome to the era of hyper-collaboration, where companies are looking to move faster and be more innovative, which requires the diverse thinking and creativity found only in teams. Today’s most successful teams are close-knit units, constantly exchanging ideas…

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Examples of unique office accessories

Live your brand with these unique office accessories

Well-designed residential-inspired work settings enhance ancillary furniture with lighting, area rugs, elements of nature, and unique accessories. Decorative accessories can often add that final finishing touch to a space and make it feel warm and personal. They can be classy, quirky, elegant and clever. From photographic prints to pottery, pillows and cushions, to docking stations…

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5 places to source modern workplace lighting

What simple element can dramatically transform a space? Lighting! When it comes to residential-inspired workplace settings, lighting solutions are often overlooked. Natural daylight is perhaps the most compelling design element in today’s workspaces, but lighting solutions have the power to define space, create a mood, bolster illumination, add comfort and support wellbeing in workplace settings.…

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Blog_3 Furniture tools_2

Three furniture tools for residential-inspired work environments

The workplace is looking less and less like Office Space and more like your living room or favorite café. With a vast internet of options, it can be difficult to know where to start looking for appropriate additions for your office. Did you know that we have a number of tools to help you find…

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people using technology to boost productivity at work

Using technology to boost productivity: 3 tips

Productivity is a major driving force for large and small businesses. Fostering a collaborative environment can be linked directly to positive business outcomes, including increased growth, employee retention, and the development of holistic business strategies. The modern office is the epicenter of recent productivity-boosting technological innovations and processes. Here are just a few. Maintain a…

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Examples of biophilic design in the workplace

4 fresh ideas for incorporating biophilic design in the workplace

Biophilia is defined as our innate fondness for and need to experience nature. Biophilic design connects people with the natural environment either directly, with plants, animals and natural elements (air, light, fire, water), indirectly with images of nature or natural-looking textures and patterns, or with space (transitional spaces that connect indoors and outdoors, architectural details,…

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People collaborating in an innovative meeting space

Checklist for collaboration space design

There’s a lot to consider when planning collaboration spaces within your floor plan – trust us, we’ve seen it all! We developed this checklist from our own experiences working with our customers. It is designed to help you evaluate your technology needs and prepare you to work with your furniture and audiovisual integrators. We hope…

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A mix of outdoor office furniture

Our top 5 outdoor office furniture vendors

If you are lucky enough to have an outdoor space within your workplace, you need ancillary furniture that can withstand the elements. Outdoor office furniture needs to adapt to a wide range of temperatures and be resistant to UV rays, water, and salt. As you search for sofas, armchairs and tables, you may be overwhelmed…

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People collaborating in an innovative corporate headquarters

The exciting future of the corporate headquarters

I recently read a compelling article, HQ 2.0: The Next-Generation Corporate Center, and wanted to share the main ideas, as it perfectly aligns with what we do here at Red Thread in creating workplace transformation. Trends Driving Change People used to aim for a corner office filled with wood furniture and expensive artwork. This was…

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Mood board showing ancillary furniture and finishes

9 Inspiring sources for residential office furniture

As you explore furniture options for residential-inspired workplace settings, the number of products available can be overwhelming. From lounge seating to coffee tables, there are a seemingly infinite number of commercial, residential and online manufacturers. Our business involves working side by side with hundreds of these vendors, so we have some valuable experience! To help…

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Ancillary furniture setting

What is ancillary furniture?

Ancillary is a term you may have heard recently with regard to designing a space, but what does it mean? Here we delve into the trends that have impacted the rise in ancillary furniture within the workplace and hospitality sector, its definition, and the three questions you should ask yourself as you compare products. How…

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Employees gather and socialize to beat workplace stress

Beating workplace stress in 2019

As simpler tasks have become automated, the work left for humans has become more creative and complex. We are required to be agile problem-solvers, we work in teams more often, we are more mobile and able to work 24/7. Technology continues to rapidly evolve, challenging us to adapt our workflows and learn new systems. We…

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Employees in a video conference

How to maintain a common user experience without a standard technology platform

In a perfect world, all companies would be able to collaborate using a single standard technology platform, easily and effortlessly. However, the reality is that we have almost as many platforms as we do companies that provide the service. This makes it increasingly difficult for organizations, even those that try and standardize on a single…

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People collaborating with mobile devices at a conference table

Considerations for designing a common user experience

Collaborative technologies are a critical driver in today’s work landscape. Because employees today are more mobile, flexible and distributed, IT staff are being pressed to deliver easy-to-use technology solutions that support workplace productivity anywhere. One challenge they face is how to provide common workflows and user experiences across all possible locations, from the home office…

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